Re: (PM) PM3 connection problems

Jason Aarons, MCSE (
Mon, 15 Jun 1998 18:26:04 PDT

You need to check out their ppplog.txt (see the windows 95 resource kit

The lcp protocol should indicate why they are hanging up.


----Original Message Follows----


I have a PM3, 3.7.2 os, using CT1's. Lately, especially during the
busy hours of 6-10pm, users are reporting they are calling into the
PM3, the call is answered, and then their win95 pc sits there at
'verifying username & password'. It stays here for a minute or so and
then is disconnected, with the win95 message 'you've been
disconnected from the computer you are dialing, check your settings,
blah, blah, blah'. I personally sat at my pc and called into the same
PM3, and watched as I connected to each of the 24 lines with both a
modem and ISDN (DOV). I couldn't get it to happen to me....

Then, while on the phone with a customer, they experienced the same
thing. I watched as the call sat there, which could only be seen by
doing a 'sho mo'. I thought perhaps I had a bad modem, so I had them
try dialing several more times. Each time they were assigned a
different modem from the pool, and each time they couldn't connect!
So, I try it, and I connected! Called the customer back, and now he
can connect! Weird!

I started thinking, maybe the radius server isn't responding fast
enuf, but I have an alternate set... I checked the radius logfiles on
both machines (linux, using radius 1.16) and there was nothing of
note there. The alternate radius server hadn't even logged a single
call. Thinking perhaps the alternate was broken, I set it to be the
primary auth server during the wee hours, and watched as people
logged in just fine! So, I set the auth server back to the original
one, and now I'm scratching my head.....

Any suggestions on where I should start snooping?

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