Re: (PM) Stable v.90 (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 15 Jun 1998 13:48:27 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Robert Du Gaue shaped the electrons to say...
>> When will v.90 be stable, my customers are getting very angry.
>Tell your customers what has been suggested here on the list. Tell them
>they are stupid and dumb for buying into the v.90 marketing hype and give
>them the number to your competitor. Acuse them of being whiners as well
>for even asking about a technology they bought irregardless of the fact
>that it's out on the shelfs at all the retail outlets.

No - that's how you treat dumbass ISPs. YOU SHOULD NOW BETTER - ISPs are
supposed to have some smarts and not fall for all the bullshit hype.

End users are sheep, sometimes lemmings, I expect them to be led by the nose
by the team with the brightest, shiniest object. But I've found it highly
effective to reengineer their delusions so that they aren't fixated on that
one item.

Sure, they *are* stupid for buying into marketing hype - but they generally
don't know better. For some reason they continue to believe the bullshit
the industry shovels their way, because it has a nice shiny package. They
are lusers.

However I have rather higher expectations of ISPs, and when ISPs start
acting like lusers they need a wake-up call.

As has been pointed out here by many ISPs, they retain customers simply by
being forthright with them, not making promises they can't keep, and providing
good service over time. A lot like Lucent RABU.


<> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me..
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