Re: (PM) piece of junk (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 15 Jun 1998 09:54:28 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Scott Rothgaber shaped the electrons to say...
>Aw, man! Is this true? Like Dennis, I do not have tons of time to
>spend on one specific task. Does Lucington make something that rivals
>the 2514 (I think that's the one... 2 WAN's, 1 LAN) with filtering,
>statistics, etc? If so, that would be great, 'cause when you purchase
>a Cisco, a *lot* of what you're paying for is the name.

2WAN, 1LAN? IRX-114 - 1 ethernet, 1 async serial, 4 sync serial (2 64K and
2 T1/E1). Or, at the higher end, a PM-3 has 2 WAN (3 with a T1 card) and 1


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