RE: (PM) piece of junk (fwd)

Mike Oas (
Sun, 14 Jun 1998 21:23:19 -0400

One question... is it a writable drive? We could really put it to good
use... 8)


|-----Original Message-----
|[]On Behalf Of MegaZone
|Sent: June 13, 1998 4:34 AM
|To: PortMaster Users
|Subject: Re: (PM) piece of junk (fwd)
|Once upon a time Thomas C Kinnen shaped the electrons to say...
|>Don't you know all those little slots on the front are really for CD
|>Singles? It's the Lucent PM3 Access Concentrator and CD Player :)
|No! Those are for Minidisks!
|>Who is wondering if his CD changer is going to hit 5 versions of
|'Fly Me to
|>the Moon' in a row in shuffle play mode. We're on 4 now. (Should probably
|>pull one of the NGE CDs out).
|I put in my 4 NGE CDs once and deliberately MADE it play ALL of
|the versions
|of "Fly Me To The Moon" they have. ;-) Of course, we at the Eyrie have
|CD-Rs of the NXE soundtracks too. ;-) Arg, AX98 in 3 weeks...
|<> Gweep, author, webmaster, human
|being, me
|"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men"
|<> <URL:>
|Hail Discordia!
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