(PM) SMURF Filter (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Sun, 14 Jun 1998 17:41:48 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Bernard Becker shaped the electrons to say...
>Livingston Tech support has refused to help.
>They will not help with writing filters for customers or provide examples
>for "Legal Reasons"

WHAT?! When did THIS start? One of the things I did regularly was help
users to write filters. I just made it clear that they were only examples,
and the user was resonsible for ensuring they did what the needed in their
environment. Not helping at all is unacceptable to me - I'd push this to
management in support.

>Is there a decent primer on Livingston Filters with examples and comments?

I always found the manual to be pretty good with examples.


<URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, Discordian, Author, Engineer, me..
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