(PM) Re: PM3 - PRI dial out - how to?

Jeff Halper (jefflist@ihot.com)
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 19:40:02 -0700 (PDT)

I tried changing dial group to 1, still no success

On Sat, 13 Jun 1998, Jeff Halper wrote:

> My PM3's do not seem to be capable of dialing out, or I am missing some
> simple configuration step.
> I made 2 ports be dial-out ports by using PMconsole - clicking the port -
> left port type as"Network/login", changed network type to "dial-out".
> Created a location "test" to dial to. Type-Manual, Protocol-PPP/IP,
> destination-negotiated, netmask, no filters, PAP on,
> selected a username, password, and phone number (7 digit local number),
> MTU-1500, Maximum ports-2, idle timeout 10 minutes, group 0, high water 0,
> compression on, routing listen.
> Issue the command "dial test"., A show sessions on the PM3 says
> test under the username, and says netwrk Out Connecting but
> nothing happens and the port goes back to idle after a
> moment. I tried to make it dial into itself, into another PM3 on a
> different network, even dial to a voice line in my office so I could hear
> the phone ring - nothing!
> I RTFM'ed the PM3 manual - I'm sure I am just not seeing something thatis
> plain as day.
> Could some kind soul please explain to me the step-by-step to make the PM3
> dial to some phone number or some ISDN number? Or perhaps see my error
> above?
> Thanks-
> -Jeff
> Jeff Halper
> Internet Hotline
> 408/881-1000 fax 408-293-3456
> http://www.ihot.com
> mailto:jeff@ihot.com

Jeff Halper
Internet Hotline
408/881-1000 fax 408-293-3456

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