Re: (PM) V.90 bitching (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sat, 13 Jun 1998 01:43:24 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jon List shaped the electrons to say...
>v.90 is going to do nothing but become more and more widespread every day.

Still wouldn't matter. Lucent and 3Com got together and got interoperability.
Rockwell came late to the party, and still cannot interoperate with Lucent.
So if they have a Rockwell V.90 only client, even if Lucent shipped V.90
today they will get V.34 connects.

And why should Lucent changed and risk breaking 3Com interoperability, just
because Rockwell dragged their feet and didn't do it the same way?

>The time has come where we now *HAVE* a standard protocol. I don't see

No, we do NOT have a standard protocol. We have a *proposal*. Keep in mind
the final standard MAY BE DIFFERENT. No one can say, they may make changes
before ratifying the standard.


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