Re: (PM) snmp monitoring
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 13:49:02 -0600

On 12 Jun 98 at 12:46, Mike@NetDotCom wrote:

> There is also was some discussion that MP logins would only show
> up as one port rather than actually two. But seeing as I am
> counting the number of active ports this may not apply.

Actually, it's counting interfaces. Each two channel ISDN
connection counts as one interface, but uses two channels/lines.

> Also as I do not have any clients using this as yet. (Local telco
> not pushing ISDN) It is not a problem.

It should work fine for you, then. Also works just as well on a
PM2E series running only analog ports. But as soon as ISDN starts
catching on in your area, you'll find it seriously lacking. Our
normal usage pattern is 1/3 of our pool is taken up by businesses
using ISDN during the day, with a lot fewer ISDN connections at
night. In our environment, doing it directly from MRTG just didn't
work for us. An external script was the only way to get the
accuracy we wanted. It's pretty easy to write a little Perl script
for counting output lines from pmwho. It's been a while since I
looked at the pmwho source, so I have no idea how tough it would be
to port to NT. If you can use the Net::Telnet module from CPAN
with a Win32 Perl, pmwho might not even be necessary. I don't know
much about the capabilities of the Win32 Perl ports, other than
that they exist.

Logan Ashby
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