(RADIUS) Re: (PM) v.90 code (fwd)

Billy Hamblin (billyh@midsouth.net)
Wed, 10 Jun 1998 20:39:55 -0500

At 10:58 AM 6/10/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I've picked Paul to lambast here, since I'm fed up with the whiny tone I've
>seen in recent posts. I'm going to be rather nasty, so if you have sensitive
>eyes just skip this.
>Once upon a time Paul Popper shaped the electrons to say...
>> - OSPF over WAN links
>That's been there a long time. Perhaps you mean OSPF over demand links.
>> - SLIP (I never heard why that was dropped from the beta)
>It wasn't dropped, it was broken - an error. Being a beta, don't run it
>if you don't like it. They've said it will be fixed.
>> - V.90

I'm from a small ISP and we have used Livingston equipment now for two
years, having just gone to PM3's early this year. We are VERY happy with
them and we will wait out the testing process as long as it takes to get it
right. We do not have the luxury of testing every beta that comes along on
spare equipment ect and we can't risk subjecting users to hardware/software
that is questionable. I fully expect and demand that this code be tested to
the fullest extent before being released as a final stable version. Yes,
we get asked almost every day by a user when will we support V.90 or U.S.R.
x2. Yes I am tired of explaining why I won't risk trying the existing beta
software just to get a few more users above 33.6 connect speeds. No I will
not whine to Lucent/Livingston about it. I'll sit back enjoying the near
perfect Pm3's I have now and wait for anything that may be offered later
such as V.90 code that would offer improvemnts. I suggest that we all enjoy
what we have and when V.90 hits so be it. I just wish people put as much
passion into helping to solve some of the problems and questions raised in
this list as they do complaining.

><URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, author, webmaster, human being, me
>"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men" 781-788-0130
><URL:mailto:megazone@gweep.net> <URL:http://www.megazone.org/> Hail
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|Billy Hamblin - Residential OM |
|Midsouth ConNEcTions - 931.648.9024 |
|1770-B Madison St. - billyh@midsouth.net |
|Clarksville Tn 37043 |
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