Re: (PM) v.90 code (fwd)

MegaZone (
Wed, 10 Jun 1998 11:56:14 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Al Hopper shaped the electrons to say...
>MZ - I'm glad to see that you are doing OK and that the change of job,
>location, food, employer etc. has done you a world of good! Its good to
>see you back on form again.

Not so sure about the job actually - it is ok and all, but it really doesn't
excite me. Like I said, I did NOT want to leave Lucent - but I DID want to
move back to MA. We tried to work something out, but it didn't happen. And
I'd decided I was moving, one way or another. If I could have remained
working for Lucent and still moved I wouldn't have left. Frankly, if they
made me an offer to return (living in MA and all) I'd very likely take it.

>For a while there, I was really worried about you!! :)

Well, you have to let it seethe for a while before you vent for full
effectiveness. We see this same crap every time some new feature is in
the pipes...


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