(PM) v.90 (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Wed, 10 Jun 1998 10:25:39 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Rick Kunze shaped the electrons to say...
>Just wondering if everyone is happy with the v90 code for the PM3. I've
>held off so far, but am considering giving it a go.

I guess you haven't been reading. V.90 is working ok for most people.
However, it is only in b15 - and that has a number of connect issues with
older modems. Also it appears it may have a reboot problem. I'd recommend
holding off on 3.8b15, and waiting for the next public beta.

>Also, (this may be an old question) will customers with USR Sportsters (for
>instance) get v90 speeds when I upgrade my PM's to the v90 code?

Yes. the Lucent V.90 interoperates with the 3Com V.90 - but not Rockwell.
Rockwell is still working on some issues, I'm told by some other contacts.


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