(PM) Customer helped me test.. maybe I can find a cure..

Jon List (jonlist@flanet.com)
Tue, 09 Jun 1998 19:11:04 -0400

I have a customer with a USR Sportster Internal 33.6, he was having
problems connecting lately (since I upgraded the code in the PM3 to 3.8b15
we found out). Today I reverted back to 3.7.2c3 and asked him to log in a
few times for 15 minutes or so.. we sat on the phone gabbing and he got 5
or 6 solid connections with no problem 28800. I flashed 3.8b15 back into
the PM3, and instructed him to try again. 3 failed attempts in a row, he
said it just sat there trying to handshake and eventually just dumped and
when he did finally get a connection it was 19200/21600 at best.

Here's a few ATI responses from his unit.


Sportster 33600/FAX V2.0 (this isnt exact but the version is the same)

Product type US/Canada Internal
Options V32bis,V.FC,V.34+
Fax Options Class 1/Class 2.0
Clock Freq 92.0Mhz
Eprom 256k
Ram 64k

EPROM date 1/11/96
DSP date 1/11/96

EPROM rev 2.0
DSP rev 2.0

Does anyone know if theres something he can do to stabilize his connections
when we're using the 3.8b15 code? I don't want to deny v.90 support for the
customers that have been using it for the past month or two.

Otherwise I havent been seeing the reboot problems with the PM3.. i have a
paging system set up that telnets to the PM3 and checks to see if it's up
every 5 minutes, and it hasnt caught it rebooting.

Also, is there an anticipated release date for the final 3.8 code? The v.90
protocol modems are starting to saturate the market, it would be nice to
have some official support for v.90. :)


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