(PM) Re: (RADIUS) RadiusNT and ODBC to SQL

Don Lashier (dl@newportnet.com)
Mon, 08 Jun 1998 16:55:54 -0700

On 6/8/98, at 6:32 PM, Tom Wagoner wrote:

>In the past I couldn't use RadiusNT because the only ODBC connection it
>supported was to an Access Database. Can someone update me and let me=
>if RadiusNT ever got support for ODBC connections to a SQL Database?
>I am just curious.

Haven't tried it, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. All RadiusNT
should care about is the ODBC interface. That's the reason for the
existence of ODBC. Just make sure you have the SQL driver in the
ODBC setup. I seem to recall a recent post that someone is using SQL
with RadiusNT.


Don Lashier dl@newportnet.com
Newport Internet http://www.newportnet.com/

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