(PM) "standard" filter rules for Portmaster IRX

Fred Martin (martin@mix-net.net)
Sat, 06 Jun 98 22:15:21 -0700

I've been hunting for hours but have been unable to find sample filter
rules for some basic packet filtering stuff.

I'm new at this rule-writing business. I've read the O'Reilly book on
building firewalls and have the basics down; the syntax for writing rules
doesn't scare me.

But why re-invent this wheel? Can someone direct me to a resource?

Basically I need a rule set that will allow standard SMTP both directions
between two fixed hosts, allow HTTP outbound, fpt outbound, telnet
outbound, and telnet inbound from several fixed hosts. Everything else
except perhaps ICMP would be denied.

Even samples that are close would be helpful.

Are there "sample" packet filter rulesets for The Portmaster, available


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