Motorola was > Re: (PM) supra 56e -> pm3

Ken Tyler (
Sat, 6 Jun 1998 00:59:30 -0400 (EDT)

OK, hwere is the story. I have been playing with Kflex and
all the strings, but the real point is the modem not being
able to do the high speed. I have been watching one user who
was allways getting 50,000 downstream and 28,800 upstream.
He never gets one retrain or renegotiations, I know this
because we run PM3's. So, I sent him mail and asked what
type of modem he had. He said Motorola Modemsurfer External.
You can try at+ms=56,1,300,44000 or
42000 or anything above or below
to make it stop retraining. ALSO, this helps alot. Issue ATM0
and save it so the modems speaker is turned off, the volume
being off is not good, it must be hardware deactivated.

I started at at+ms=56,1,300,57600 and worked my way down
to 42000 then after few months I was able to get on at
44000 without retrains. Dunno, I hope v.90 fixes this.

Ken Tyler

On Fri, 5 Jun 1998, Tom Cramer wrote:

> At 12:16 PM 6/5/98 , you wrote:
> >PM3-2T, ComOS 3.7.2c3, 2 PRI, DMS-100, no padding
> >Diamond SupraExpress 56e, firmware 1.000-03 K56_DLS
> >MacOS 8.0, OT/PPP
> >
> >Does anyone have any experience with this particular modem? One of our
> >customers is unable to connect higher than 26400 to our PM3, over lines
> >that Ameritech swears up and down are clean (no grounds, no MUX, etc.).
> >The modem appears to initially attempt a K56flex connection, but backs
> >down to v.34 eventually.
> >
> I also had a similar problem with a SupraExpress 56i SP running on
> Windows95. I tried the suggestion on Diamonds site to add &F2W2S202=32 to
> my INIT string. Before adding it, my modem would negotiate twice before
> connecting anywhere between 26.4 and 31.2k. Now it always connects at 42k
> (but always renegotiates every 5 or so mins). Is there a way someone has
> found to reduce or eliminate renegotiation? I wouldn't mind a lower speed
> to get rid of then even.
> Tom Cramer
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