Re: (PM) PM Console & IRX

Andrew Doolittle (
Fri, 05 Jun 1998 07:38:47 -0700

At 09:15 PM 6/4/98 -0500, John Nowack wrote:
>>If you're just looking for installation, you can set up a tftp server and
>>tftp get the comos from the command line. You can also use the command
>Are you saying now that I can tftp a image other than GENERIC.PM3? That
>would be useful.
>>There is a lot to be said for simple tools. Amber is not one of them. But
>>the command line utilities referenced above are/will be. We will continue
>But they are still java-based and require a network host with a CPU to use.
>I use the pminstall utility when I am at a remote POP that has a ASCII
>terminal plugged into the console port of a cisco router (this is the way
>most of my remote POPs are set up) or a laptop running a terminal program.
>No messing with network parameters, or forgetting that I loaned my 10bT
>PCMCIA card and only have the thinnet one today (I have some POPs with
>coax and some twisted pair).

The command line utilities will require a network host with a CPU. So does
Jurassic pminstall. You will use them exactly the same way. The intent is
that if all you need is what the current pmtoys do, that once you install
the new stuff you won't even know what you're using. The advantage is that
the new stuff will work on platforms that the old did not and never would,
and that we have added and will be adding new features to them as time goes

>>never do another curses product, in 4 years I remember 3 people telling me
>>they used the old one, and it's not clear that that number would change
>>over the next 4.
>That's unfortunate. I never really used pmconsole for configuration,
>the command line is easier. The same will probably go for Amber. That
>is a nice monitoring tool, but for configuration the command line is
>easier. Pminstall and pmcommand, now that's a different story and get
>used here quite a bit.

See above. The new pmcommand will not have that annoying paging limitation
that the old one did.

>>As I believe we've been doing, we will certainly continue to request and
>>consider customer input w/r/t management. As I've pointed out here many
>Here is a request. I really don't care about the rest of the package (like
>I said, command line is the easiest way to configure), but the utility
>programs get used a lot here.

I hope I addressed your concerns. If not, as always, let me know.

>John Nowack
>DPConsultants, Inc.
>Sys Admin --

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