(PM) PRI from ISDX switch <-> PM3

Andrei Pougatch (andre@ru.com)
Wed, 3 Jun 1998 13:08:24 +0400 (MSD)

Hello, does anybody use PM3 with ISDX switch on E1 PRI channel?
We have a very bad luck pushing these to work together.
ISDX switch was done by GPT that recently merged with Siemens.

It's not a general question but request for help with particular
equipment. Yes, we've open tickets. A long ago. A lot of. Got some
advices from Livingston/Lucent. Nothing worked. We are looking for
ANY advice from people that had problems setting PM3 with E1 PRI,
especially if they solved these problems and know how did they do it.

ASCEND MAX2000 works on this line with this switch. Line is EuroISDN=ETSI.
PM3 shows line as "UP", no errors, but doesn't accept calls. It seems as
protocol sequence mismatch. What should be / can be changed on PM3 or
ISDX? Can I make PM3 to send CALL PROC - ALERT - CONN instead of CONN
only? Will this help? Can I make ISDX to accept CONN only? How? Will this

Below is the comparison of call process sequences from PM3 and ASCEND -
may be it will help to localize the problem. Changing the called # from 1
up to 10 digits doesn't help.

(T=telco ISDX switch, P=portmaster, A=Ascend)


T>08 002:0:0048 SETUP T>08 002:0:1374 SETUP
bearer capability (003) 80 90 A3 bearer capability (003) 80 90 A3
chan id (003) 10100001 10000011 001 chan id (003) 10100001 10000011 008
progress ind (002) 81 83 progress ind (002) 81 83
called p.n. (005) 80 1200 called p.n. (005) 80 7
low layer comp (003) 80 90 A3 low layer comp (003) 80 90 A3

P>08 002:1:0048 CONN A>08 002:1:1374 CALL PROC
chan id (003) 10101001 10000011 001 chan id (003) 10101001 10000011 008
08 002:1:1374 ALERT
08 002:1:1374 CONN

T>08 002:1:0048 STATUS T> 08 002:0:1374 CONN ACK
cause (003) type=81 value=101 07
call state (001) S001 Now working online,
P>08 002:1:048 DISC connection established.
cause (002) type=80 value=098

T>08 002:1:0048 STATUS
cause (003) type=81 value=101 45
call state (001) S001
P>08 002:1:048 DISC
cause (002) type=80 value=098

T>08 002:1:0048 STATUS
cause (003) type=81 value=101 45
call state (001) S001
P>08 002:1:048 DISC
cause (002) type=80 value=098

etc... ad infinitum.

The session begins with Ascend. What's wrong with PM3?
What should be changed on PM3 or ISDX?

Regards, Andrei.

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