Re: (PM) PM3 connects slower than PM2? (fwd)

MegaZone (
Mon, 1 Jun 1998 14:16:38 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Jason Xu shaped the electrons to say...
>1. We are running b15

Well gee, have you been reading the list? B15 is BETA and has KNOWN MODEM
ISSUES. If you are having problems you should NOT be using it. Everything
you described has already been mentioned here - slow connects, failure to
connect, slow connect rates. b15 has a new code base, and has many issues -
it is the first public beta of the new modem code.

Go back to 3.7.2c3, or at *least* b13, which still has the old modem code.

>For the modem card that comes with PM3, is there any configuration string I
>need to do to make it work?

No, you cannot configure the PM-3 modems.


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