(PM) nbuffs

Juergen Hoetzel EDV-Hiwi (jhoetzel@hiwi.zew.de)
Fri, 29 May 1998 15:12:57 +0200 (MET DST)

We use a

"Livingston PortMaster PM-2e ComOS 3.7.2"

as a Dialin Server...

It is configured for using tcp/ip and ipx...
the ISDN ports are working without problems...
but the asynchronous ports make trouble:
After a reboot everything works fine, but after some
dialins the user can't use tcp/ip(they get the assigned IP-Adress but can't
ping "portmaster_ip_adress"
ipx makes no trouble. On the portmaster console(with debugging enabled) i get
the following message:

e_get_packet: Packet Not available
n_send: Couldnt send - packet not available

"show memory" reports:
System memory 4194304 bytes - 932144 used, 3262160 available
272:3 160:1 2048:1 144:2 96:0 176:1 1152:0 128:1 640:1 80:1 16:23 32:30
System nbufs 1400 - 1144 used, 256 available

And i never get more than 260 Buffers available(only after i reboot!)

When this problem occurs the portmaster often reboots itself.
After rebooting, everything works fine again (until the problem occurs for
the next time).
After reboot "show memory" reports:
System memory 4194304 bytes - 922720 used, 3271584 available
144:1 96:0 80:3 16:14 32:32 48:0
System nbufs 1400 - 50 used, 1350 available


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