Re: (PM) Re: (RADIUS) Idle timer (fwd)

John G. Thompson (
Wed, 27 May 1998 17:08:51 -0700

At 03:06 PM 5/22/98 -0700, MegaZone wrote:
>Once upon a time Thomas Kinnen shaped the electrons to say...
>>Nope, 0 sets it to no time out. For example I have all ports set to 15
>>min on the PM but my dedicated customers have it set to 0 in the radius
>>entry and they do not have problems.
>Not unless something has changed in 3.8 - and I saw no report of that.
>If there is a port timer set, and RADIUS sends 0, the port timer is used.
>There is NO WAY to turn off an idle timer from RADIUS. RADIUS can only
>override the port timer by setting a new, positive, value.

I haven't heard of, or read of a change like that in 3.8. As far as I know
the ComOS will not override a port idle time out with a RADIUS reply time
idle time out of zero (0).

John G. Thompson Lucent Technologies Tel: (800) 458-9966
Tech Support Engineer Remote Access Division Fax: (925) 737-2110
aka 4464 Willow Road
JOAT(MON) Pleasanton, CA 94588
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