(PM) Remote POP Management PM-11

Lil' Feet (cbissell@frii.com)
Wed, 27 May 1998 15:22:41 -0600 (MDT)

First I would like to thank those that have helped me setup the PM-11's
for remote management. Thanks.

My next question is if I can configure the PM-11 to verify a telnet
session to a port using either the internal users table or radius. It
seems that since you are telneting to management.machine.com <port> that
the pm-11 won't give a login screen, it just forwards the request to the
proper serial port and lets the machine on the other end deal with the

I have tried to add a user with a password and set the service to telnet
with the following commands:

add user bob password bobbob
set user bob service telnet

and security is on for the serial port. However it still does not verify
the user at the PM-11. Is there a way to do this?

Chris Bissell

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