Re: (PM) Whining on this list.

NOT a LE employee (
Tue, 26 May 1998 13:29:18 -1000 (HST)

On Tue, 26 May 1998, Stephen Henry wrote:

> Dear Mr. NOT,

c'mon... the name is Sherwood 8) I don't like to use mister and I sure
don't use the title president or system administrator. Please use

> > For sale stuff is not particularly appropriate to this list... as repeated
> > incessantly by Jake and Lucent RABU (ex-)employees...
> After all, they are EXemployees. Sometimes a list like this is a good way,

nope Jake isn't an Ex employee and MZ was the only ex-employee that I'm
talking about. Though at the time that MZ was the list maintainer he was
quite vocal in not using the list as a for-sale forum...

Think of it this way... would you wish to see several postings a day for

"28.8 USR"
"Hayes Rack"
"Cardinal Externals"

Or would you rather see questions and answers dealing with PM issues?

Personally it doesn't bother me as I just hit 'd' to delete. but it does
become time consuming and there are specific lists for such
for-sale/wanted items for ISPs.

> the only way, to reach a group with common interests (ie: PM or even just
> ISPs) and so one will take that advantage. The 'no for sales' rule was
> made traditionally by a bunch of long hairs who saw the 'net in those days
> as a place where evil business types could be kept out. Hey, times change.

That's why there are lists for isps for for-sale/wanted items... Keeping
us techies happy ;) well to admit I'm on both those other lists also to
track what is priced and see what is being dumped... can't say I see very
many PM3s though 8( guess people in general don't want to get rid of

> When I started out I had some pretty dumb questions. I got lots of flack
> from assholes who thought they were smart. I got help from a few people
> (you know who you are) who took the time to show me how to do it AND where
> to find it, knowing that RTFM and MAN and archive searches can be daunting
> places to the newbie.

8) you mean it's easier to find out about this e-mail list, subscribe to
it, then post a question, than to go to the website and follow links?

man, I'm getting argumentative over nothing...


> We can bitch and whine till the proverbial cows come home but it's the
> help, sharing and ASKING that makes it work.

Agreed on this! which is why I assist when I can.

I just feel badly being put into a position of 'whinery' ;) well actually,
I'm just stirring up the pot, since the original poster seemed to want
some 'action'...

What I want to see is a FAQ made from this list!!!

Me and a few others started various incarnations... however things are
relegated to the back-burner when other projects come up...

anyway, realize this is one day of pure unadulterated blather from me...

anyone remember Paul Farber from Inet-access?


*back to normal programming*

Aloha from Paradise,


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