Re: (PM) Whining on this list.

Stephen Henry (
Tue, 26 May 1998 18:47:15 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Mr. NOT,

> each lists etiquette (sp?) there are also some rules that as list
> lurkers we should follow, one is that one shouldn't post to a list things
> not in it's 'charter.'

You're right, but...

> For sale stuff is not particularly appropriate to this list... as repeated
> incessantly by Jake and Lucent RABU (ex-)employees...

After all, they are EXemployees. Sometimes a list like this is a good way,
the only way, to reach a group with common interests (ie: PM or even just
ISPs) and so one will take that advantage. The 'no for sales' rule was
made traditionally by a bunch of long hairs who saw the 'net in those days
as a place where evil business types could be kept out. Hey, times change.
Most of us on this list are IN BUSINESS. In a few months I'll be looking
for a used PM-3. Where better to find it than here. I may even write and
ASK. Jump all over me then if you want. Maybe the 'no for sales' rule
needs to be dropped. Maybe a 'related products only for sale' rule would
be better.

> As for _ass_uming that us whiners shouldn't tell people to RTFM or STFW,
> well I'm 'guilty' of that fact... it's surprising how 30 secs. of my time
> will find the information that someone who appears to be new to posting
> just blats out to the list... then there are those questions which pop up
> in multiples that a simple archive search would have given the answers.

When I started out I had some pretty dumb questions. I got lots of flack
from assholes who thought they were smart. I got help from a few people
(you know who you are) who took the time to show me how to do it AND where
to find it, knowing that RTFM and MAN and archive searches can be daunting
places to the newbie.

I can never directly repay those who helped me, but in their image I
quietly help those I can now. I rtfm, I use the man pages, I even do
archive searches when the mood strikes. But when I need to, I ask for help
and a few usually come forward and provide it. Thanx guys!

As far as I'm concerned the broadest randge of on topic messages, even a
few OT (off topic, newbies!) from time to time if well directed at this
group and suitabley indicated, are what makes this list worth being part

We can bitch and whine till the proverbial cows come home but it's the
help, sharing and ASKING that makes it work.

My 1.2 cents (CDN)


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