(PM) How do I... ?

Sun, 24 May 1998 13:13:40 -0700 (PDT)

I pulled my two Wisecom Rockwells and hooked up a couple of
USR externals. I now connect at 49333 instead of 42. I
also now get 56K transfer rates instead of 46.

But PPP analog multitasking no longer works. I was able
to make it work with the Wisecoms by forcing a low connect
speed and setting a low MTU and FIFO trigger. When I
changed the modems, I also put on a Win98 beta, so I
don't know where to place the blame.

When I set the MTU in the Radius users file, my machine
overrides it. I can't seem to make my machine force a
lower MTU, either. When I set a reduced modem connect
speed, it only works for the first modem; the second
comes on at full speed.

When I connect via BSDI, I get a 100K+ transfer rate
because I can set the MTU at my end. Also, I can
control both modems properly (Win needs some more
work I guess).


How can I make the PM impose a connect speed ceiling,
and how can I make it force a specified MTU?

- drh

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