Re: (PM) Timeouts (fwd)

MegaZone (
Sun, 24 May 1998 12:58:25 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Mark Flavin shaped the electrons to say...
>Since we are on this subject, I have set session limits of 28800 which
>should be 8 hours and they still don't time out. I am using ComOS 3.7.2. I

Ok, that should be 8 hours. Can you share a RADIUS entry so we can check
the syntax? If you run 'radiusd -x' do you see RADIUS returning this
value to the NAS? (Please don't send this directly to me, send to the list.)

>have stopped and started radius and checked the dictionary. All seems well.
>Is this not supported in this OS or am I forgetting something in the

No, it should work in 3.7.2, and there isn't anything ot configure on the PM
side to use this.

>the idle timer, disconnects or connect speeds other than our local phone
>system only seems to allow a max connect of 46000. Thanks for any ideas you

Note that since you seem to be using a PM-3, I'd recommend 3.7.2c3 as the
release to run. Unless you like using betas, then 3.8b13 seems pretty
solid. Though at this point I'd probably wait for the next beta rev, as
a few issues have appeared in b15. But I have every faith they'll fix
these soon.


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