Re: (PM) PRI Problems

Chris Parker (
Thu, 21 May 1998 17:09:07 -0500

At 05:56 PM 5/22/98 -0400, Pete Baumgartner wrote:
>Perhaps someone on this group might be able to help me out. I have 3
>Portmaster 3's all running Com OS version 3.8b13 and I cannot get any of
>them to sync up to the PRI lines I had Sprint install. The units are
>optioned for ISDN, b8zs and ESF and a show line0 shows that the line is
>up and the receive level is between +2.5 and -7.5Db, but all the
>differant errors continue to increment. Furthermore Sprint informed me
>that they are unable to see my D channel at all. Sprint than sent a
>technician out to test the connection locally and were unable to find
>any problems with their lines whatsoever. They are able to loop my
>Portmasters, and the signal back is clean, I can't beleive that I have 3
>bad PM3's. Do I need to try a differant version of Com OS or can any
>body give me some tips on what else I should look at?

Did they loop clean to the NIU or to the portmaster's? We had the same
situation that we finally tracked to the dB level we were seeing on the
line's as they terminated into the PM3's. It was originaly at +1dB,
inside the +2 to -7.5 reported, but caused massive CRC and bipolar
violations to be generated. Switch in this case was a DMS-100. We
got the dB level down to -0.3dB at which point the errors went away
and we have been running okay ever since, about two weeks now. I never
got a response from any Lucent techs on the list or by calling support
as to what dB levels the PM3 likes. If you or the telco can check the
dB level on the line, that is something to do. Every other install
we've done has gone (mostly) as planned so I haven't had to trouble
shoot PRI's very often.

Don't let up on Sprint, and don't be put off by their "We'll have to
charge you if it turns out to be your problem" mantra. I always
ask "Do we get to charge you if it is your problem?", at which point
the tech gets dispatched. :)


   \\\|||///  \  Chris Parker: Systems Administration and Development
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                  \ Without C we would have 'obol', 'basi', and 'pasal'

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