RE: (PM) NT Radius Crashes -- Memory Problems

Jerry Bacon (
Thu, 21 May 1998 17:21:22 -0700

> >I am using 2.0.1b12, which AFAIK is the latest, and I have the same
> >problem, i.e. RADIUS consumes more and more memory and if left alone,
> >eventually crashes the server. I worked around this by setting up an
> >AT batch file that stops and restarts the service every other day.
> >But I would really prefer if it didn't do that.
> Hmm, are you on WS or Server? Also what service packs. Also remember if
> you add or remove any components you need to reload the service
> packs. ODBC logging? and if so what type of data source (Access or
> something else).

I'm running on NT4 Server with SP3. I have reloaded SP3. Almost all the
users authenticate from the NT SAM. The accounting is to a text file

> Also as a note. On development servers that I run more then the services
> the servers are designated for I do get conflicts like this between
> software.

There is nothing else running on this server, which is a BDC.

Jerry Bacon

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