Re: (PM) NT Radius Crashes -- Memory Problems

Thomas C Kinnen (
Thu, 21 May 1998 18:46:43 -0400

>I am using 2.0.1b12, which AFAIK is the latest, and I have the same
>i.e. RADIUS consumes more and more memory and if left alone, eventually
>crashes the server. I worked around this by setting up an AT batch file
>stops and restarts the service every other day. But I would really prefer
>it didn't do that.

Hmm, are you on WS or Server? Also what service packs. Also remember if
you add or remove any components you need to reload the service packs. ODBC
logging? and if so what type of data source (Access or something else).

Also as a note. On development servers that I run more then the services
the servers are designated for I do get conflicts like this between

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