Re: (PM) 3.8beta status update.... (fwd)

Florian Lohoff (
Mon, 18 May 1998 20:32:42 +0200

On Sun, May 17, 1998 at 10:39:46AM -0400, CYGNET Support wrote:
> I did downgrade however my concern was the fact that when I contacted
> Lucent regarding
> rebooting with b15 that I was told no reports had come in
> so this made me think Hmmm do I have some other issue. It was not till I
> sent to the list that I finally came across people running b15 with reboot
> problems.
> Again Megazone my issue is not that it is beta but the fact that when I
> phone lucent they can not tell my that yes rebooting is a issue with b15
> for some people and that they are looking into it instead of telling me
> that no, not 1 single reboot issue has come in regarding b15!!
> Common Sense
> Eugene

This is my mail ... i did not get any response saying we already
have seen this nor saying ... new to us ... send more info...
