(PM) Memory Problem on PM2e?

Adam Bayless (abayless@fiber.net)
Mon, 18 May 1998 12:23:20 -0600

I've got two PM2s, one was a 2e30, now with two 5 port BRI cards in it, the
other is a BRI model with 15 BRI ports total. Both are running 3.7.2. I
looked at my 15 BRI box this morning and found it showing BRI service for
only 3 of 7 BRIs plugged in. There were only 336 bytes of memory
available. The other box does the same thing occasionally. A reboot fixes
the problem for a few days. I've got a third box, which is identical to
the first (was a 2e30, now with two BRI cards). It, however, is running
3.5, and has been just peachy for almost six months, currently with more
than 3 megs of memory available. Here's the clincher... this last box is
the busiest of the three, almost constantly filled to capacity.

After all that description, my question is: Is there a memory hole
somewhere in 3.7.2 for the PM2? What can I do to fix this, without having
to reboot, or downgrade to 3.5?

I'm about to call RABU's support, but thought I'd ask around as well.

Thanks for any suggestions,


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