(PM) User having connect problems

Joe (joej@taz.csnet.net)
Sat, 16 May 1998 13:23:16 -0400 (EDT)


We have a user with a "USR Sportster 33.6 Fax PC PNP" modem.

The other day we tried modem init. strings for an hour.. had them call
usr.. then they took it to computer store.. then called back.. Another
guy here tried a few things.. Then today again they called.. Tried a few

And noticed this.

When they got connected they connected at 28000. Then 10sec later (sh s#)
it showed the speed at 26400, then a few sec. later it was 24000, then
19200 and then in a couple seconds there modem drops the connection.

the longest they were ever able to stay on was 3 or 4 min.

In the log files it showed most of the time that the reason they were
disconnected was : Acct-Terminate-Cause = User-Request

Then finnaly i noticed this in the log on one of the last few times they
tried connecting.. : Acct-Terminate-Cause = Port-Error

What does that mean? What is a Port-Error


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