Re: (PM) (PM3) Lagg!!!! -- HELP ASAP TIA

Doug Ingraham (
Fri, 15 May 1998 21:18:11 -0600 (MDT)

On Fri, 15 May 1998, System Operator wrote:

> We have 3 pm3's that are running ComOS 3.8.b15 and all seems ok, but there
> is a serious amount of lagg. All settings are correct and the T1
> according to GTE is clear. But it still exists, we have had Lucington and
> other companies testing and checking, but all is clean. This happens on
> all our areas and with no reasons. If anyone has any suggestions or
> requests of things for us to try please reply! This is a major problem
> and is unexplainable. BTW ping times normally seem down in the 160's or
> 130's but when the lagg starts wham!!! we are talking 900+ with no
> reasons, the person can be idle and we ping them and it still is like
> this....

I backed out to 3.8b13 because of this. I wrote a note to support about
it. Basically you get about 1/2 speed because the link is frozen for
about 1/2 the time. I would like to run V.90 but I can't tell thousands
of customers that they have to run at 1/2 speed or even do something
special to work around a problem in 3.8b15. So I will wait.

I know that some people have said that if you turn off compression in the
client's modem this gets rid of the lag. I don't know if it is true but
it certainly could be a bug in there somewhere that would cause
retransmission at the link level so the link appears dead for a few

This is really easy to test. FTP a 250k zipped file. You get 32 or
33kbit speed if it is working on a 31.2 link. On 3.8b15 you get 17 or
maybe 18kbit.

Just remember that it is a beta and you need to report any anomolies that
you find or they won't get fixed.

Doug Ingraham The best defense against logic is ignorance.
Rapid City, SD

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