Re: (PM) Mac "stalls out" after a few minutes on PM3

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Thu, 14 May 1998 13:37:01 -0600

John W Baxter uttered...

>At 0:22 -0700 5/14/98, Jeff Halper wrote:
>>Sorry for the cross-post, but I think this is appropriate for both lists.
>>One of my users on a PM3 logs in at 46,000. All goes well for about 10
>>minutes, then traffic slows to a trickle, then zero.
>>I pinged 200 packets and got a 100% packet loss to his address.
>>Any ideas why he would stall out like this? This user says it happens all
>>the time to him. He also repoorts he can disconnect, log back in, and
>>start up fine again, for about 10 minutes, then the stall-out.
>This is typical of a known problem with Macintosh "Classic Networking" (I
>prefer to say "Archaic Networking"), MacTCP. It's nice to know that
>reducing MTU can solve it (that is not a user-friendly dialog box in
>OpenTransport (at least in the current, 1.2 form, and even 1.1.1 was OK)
>doesn't seem to do this (although early releases did).
>Repeat after me: "MacTCP 2.0.6 was released with known bugs, and will
>never be fixed."
While MacTCP does truly suck, I have never had a problem like this with
it. We have users on MacPlus's surfing just fine with MacTCP. The
current version of ot OT is 1.3.1 and yes it is great, 1.2 is pretty
good, 1.1 sucks, but they all still work pretty good with us. Usually
reinstalling MacTCP or MacTCP DNR takes care of the being described
problems. Also, reinstalling OT, helps as well. Sometimes things just
get corrupt. Beyond this, using FreePPP is about the best solution to
dialup on a Mac. MacPPP is OK, OT/PPP sucks... As to the unfriendly
MacPPP dialog box, get FreePPP! Although I have to admit, even MacPPP is
easier to use then dialup networking on a PC.


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