Re: (PM) Mac "stalls out" after a few minutes on PM3

John W Baxter (
Thu, 14 May 1998 11:15:57 -0700

At 0:22 -0700 5/14/98, Jeff Halper wrote:
>Sorry for the cross-post, but I think this is appropriate for both lists.
>One of my users on a PM3 logs in at 46,000. All goes well for about 10
>minutes, then traffic slows to a trickle, then zero.
>I pinged 200 packets and got a 100% packet loss to his address.
>Any ideas why he would stall out like this? This user says it happens all
>the time to him. He also repoorts he can disconnect, log back in, and
>start up fine again, for about 10 minutes, then the stall-out.

This is typical of a known problem with Macintosh "Classic Networking" (I
prefer to say "Archaic Networking"), MacTCP. It's nice to know that
reducing MTU can solve it (that is not a user-friendly dialog box in

OpenTransport (at least in the current, 1.2 form, and even 1.1.1 was OK)
doesn't seem to do this (although early releases did).

Repeat after me: "MacTCP 2.0.6 was released with known bugs, and will
never be fixed."


John Baxter      Port Ludlow, WA, USA
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach him to fish,
and you get rid of him for the weekend.
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