Re: (PM) Signal "busy" but enough lines!?

Xavier Mertens (
Tue, 12 May 1998 08:09:08 +0200 (MET DST)

On Mon, 11 May 1998, Christopher Arnold wrote:

> On Mon, 11 May 1998, Thomas Kinnen wrote:
> > On Mon, 11 May 1998, Xavier Mertens wrote:
> >
> > > The problem is that some modem users receive a busy signal when dialing
> > > the cascade but I'm 100% sure that we still have free channels
> > > (I asked my telco op. to check and we never go over 80% of used lines)
> > > What can be the problem? Some defect modem cards? Telco bottleneck? ...
> >
> I have noticed that if you have a pm3 that isn't fully loaded with
> modemcards the calls wont get routed to the next PRI in the cascade.
> Instead you will receive a busy tone.
> We therefore are forced to make shure that the pm3 that isn't fully
> equipped with modems is last in the chain.

That's the case...

3 x PM3 with 6 cards and the last with 3 cards

> In an mixed ISDN/analog setup this results in ineficcient usage of the
> modem-cards, preferably you would like to have a pure ISDN pm3 first in
> the chain and let it svallow all the ISDN-calls.

So, you suggest to remove 3 cards from the first and put them in the
last? But the problem is that we have more PSTN users than ISDN so the
first will be "full" in a few minutes...


                                         .   .
                                      .        .
Xavier Mertens,                     .     EuroNet Internet
Network Operation Center          .       Lozenberg, 22
                                 .        1932 Zaventem
E-mail:         .         Tel: +32 2 7171701

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