Re: (PM) does USR TC have PM functionality ?

Josh Richards (
Sat, 9 May 1998 00:56:41 -0700 (PDT)

On 8 May 1998, Vlado Potisk wrote:

> We don't want to buy more PM2 with external modems, we wanted PM3, but
> this model is not approved yet by the local telco (there's only one
> telco in this country) and thus cannot be connected to any of our E1
> lines. We can have an USR Total Control with digital quad modem cards
> instead, this model is already approved.

Hmm..have you spoken to your sales person here? Lucent has people in just
about every part of the world and we are a fairly large player in the
telco market, so I'd be extremely suprised if we could not get the
certification required in your home country. We can at least try for you.

> Could somebody please confirm if USR TC has the functionality that a
> PM2/PM3 has and that we use for simple dial-in ISP service

This would probably be better taken to the usr-tc list (e-mail with "subscribe usr-tc" in the body).


Josh Richards - <> - [Beta Engineer]
LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
(formerly Livingston Enterprises, Inc.)

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