Re: (PM) Maximum K56 Flex Connection?

Mia's Virtual Post Office (
Thu, 7 May 1998 17:41:19 -0600

Matt Boyle uttered...

>I have an ISDN line at home which is compeltly digital and connect into
>my ISDN Provider (ISP) at 2 B Channels..
>I recently obtained a Laptop with a K56Flex modem, I pluged it into my
>POTS Port on my ISDN Teriminal Adapter and connected to a PM3 at 50000
>is this the limit for a Flex connection? When I dialed into some Analog
>Modems I connected at 33600 so i know the ISDN line doesnt have any
>faults as it is digital...
>Is this the truth? 50000 a limit with Pm3s and Flex Code.. My ISP isnt
>upgrding to v.90 till lucent releases final code... Both on my
>recomendation and their overview of the new beta code information.
You may want to first contact your ISP to see if they have PRI, or CT-1's
connected to the PM3. PRI will alow for the higher ISDN rates of 64 and
128(dualchannel) On a CT1 you should see around 56 to 112k(dualchannel)
I highly doubt v.90 has much to do with it, as this is not on
interoperability issue between kflex and x2, this is an ISDN modem,

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