Re: (PM) V.90 rockwell incompatable with V.90 lucent

Thomas C Kinnen (
Wed, 6 May 1998 08:04:22 -0400

>V.90 is supposed to be a standard among several
>hardware shops. If the V.90 modem of Rockwell
>is incompatable with the V.90 terminal server
>of Lucent, THERE IS NO V.90 STANDARD.

V.90 will not offically be a standard untill Sep.

>1) one party is using the name of the standard
>without supporting the standard, fraud; or

Not allways true. You meet the standard but still not be compatible with
another vendors implimation of the standard. Computers are some of the
worst products on the market when it comes to standards that are not fully
compatiable between vendors. Just take "IBM Compatible" where Hardware X
will not work with addon Y but will with hardware Z, but addon W will work
with X and not Z... Many standards also have options that if one vendor
uses the onther vendor may not know how to deal with. I remember having to
turn off NMP on one of my older modems when it first came out to connect to
a non-nmp modem.

>If it is pre-V.90, call it that
>and let your customers know that you have
>not yet lived up to the "free upgrade
>to V.90" promose made on the outside of
>your box, yet.

Lets see, 3.8b15.. b=BETA, BETA=BROKEN in my book. Any one who uses a beta
products in production has no right to complain. I learned that a long time
ago. I've come out ahead a few times and been burned a few times. IF there
are still major problems when the 3.8 final release comes out then it's time
to take alook at what was promised and delivered. As the stanard is not
approved untill Sep (which means it *CAN* change) it's still a number of
months off.


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