(PM) V.90 rockwell incompatable with V.90 lucent (fwd)

MegaZone (megazone@megazone.org)
Tue, 5 May 1998 21:42:58 -0700 (PDT)

Once upon a time Douglas Semonche shaped the electrons to say...
>V.90 is supposed to be a standard among several

V.90 is *NOT* a standard yet, and will not be ratified until the fall.
It is a proposed standard at this point.

>hardware shops. If the V.90 modem of Rockwell
>is incompatable with the V.90 terminal server
>of Lucent, THERE IS NO V.90 STANDARD.

Wrong. V.34 modems also had interoperability issues when they came out,
some rather major. Some small vedners never did quite get it right.

Standards do not specify every little detail. In fact V.90 leaves a lot
of the decision making up to the client to be implemented as the vendor
wishes. Specifying mainly the client-server negotiation.

There will be differing interpretations of the standard, or proposed
standard as the case may be, and hence there will be interoperability
issues. Welcome to the real world.

>The standard is written down I presume
>there is no need for ISP's buying PM-3's
>or customers buying Rockell, 3COM or USR
>V.90 modems to suffer incompatablilities.

This is a completely naive point of view. Two vendors can adhere to
the letter of a standard and still not interoperate because of differing
interpretations. And many standards have optional sections which may
raise a flag in interoperability.


<URL:mailto:megazone@megazone.org> Gweep, author, webmaster, human being, me
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