Re: (PM) IP addressing problem

Jay Hennigan (
Tue, 5 May 1998 20:22:36 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 5 May 1998, Joe wrote:

> Well that Class C is full.. So we set the PM-3 to start at .11
> and we were gonna disable the modems on the Annex as the users started
> switching over.. (we have 2 weeks to get everyone over)
> Well The PM-3 randomly assigns IPs the a user when they log in.
> Like right now someone has the IP .53 on the PM..

On the PM:

set assigned [ip address] will set the lowest address it will assign.

set pool [number] will set the number of addresses in the pool.

So, if you have ten active modems in the PM3, then:

set assigned nnn.nnn.nnn.11

set pool 10

Will cause it to assign addresses .11 through 20 only.

Note that if you have more active callers to the PM3 than addresses in the
pool, something will break (although I'm not sure exactly what). Either
the overflow callers won't get an address or they'll overflow beyond the
assigned pool.

Previous ComOS versions were notorious for assigning "extra" addresses
above the upper limit, but this has been fixed for a while.

So, you've got a juggling act between the bottom address of the Annex
and the top address of the PM3.

And don't forget you've got to keep the routing straight so that
whatever addresses are assigned by a given box can get to the rest
of the world.

-- Jay Hennigan 805-884-6323 --
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