(PM) IP addressing problem

Joe (joej@taz.csnet.net)
Tue, 5 May 1998 22:54:23 -0400 (EDT)


I work at an ISP and we recently added a PM-3 and today started switching
the customers over to it.

Here is the problem.. Before we used Annex for the dailup connections.
We are in the process of switching the users over. Have two weeks.
We sent out email and instructions to switch them over to the new number
and settings..

But anyway.. to the problem..

The Annex uses .21 - .50? on the class C.
and each port has its own ip address.

Well that Class C is full.. So we set the PM-3 to start at .11
and we were gonna disable the modems on the Annex as the users started
switching over.. (we have 2 weeks to get everyone over)

Well The PM-3 randomly assigns IPs the a user when they log in.
Like right now someone has the IP .53 on the PM..

So if one user is logged onto the annex and then someoen logs onto the
PM-3 and it randomly assigns the "SAME IP" as the annex user.

So now two different customers are logged in and they both have the same
IP address.. How do I solve this? Since this must cause some kindof
major problem for both users. I'm assuming if two machines try to occupy
one IP address then they both get stuck and can't do anything..

So I need to find a soultion to this as fast as I can before the customers
start complaining.... :(

How can i make it so the PM can only use maybe 20ips and not the whole
class C? Can i make it so each port has its own ip instead of it randomly
giving them out?

Help Please!!

Thank you very much for your help.. (I really need it)


PS - I'm only a techsupport guy so I don't know much about these things
and my boss and everyone will be away for a few days on a besuines trip so
I'm kindof stuck. I really need to solve this problem ASAP or else umm I
will have a few hundred phone calls every hour.. ;(

Maybe this is why I got a laptop so I do all this extra work at home.. ;)

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