(PM) Re: [E106073] b15 & Hung PM3

John G. Thompson (support@livingston.com)
Mon, 04 May 1998 21:35:23 -0700

At 10:38 AM 5/4/98 -0500, Tom T. Thai wrote:
>I've ran b15 every since it was first available on one of our box with 1
>CT1 and PRI. On Saturday, the PM3 locked up completely. No telnet, all
>lines were bz out. The only way to bring the box back up was to power
>cycle. No other changes were made to the box.

Where you able to connect via the console port? If so, what, if anything
were you able to see? Is this how you saw the dedicated customer below?

>One thing that was happening was there was a dedicated customer with 2 B
>channels. One channel was established fine. The other channel kept
>dialing the remote client but couldn't establish. Not sure if this could
>have brought the PM3 down.
>When the PM3 was hung, the PRI line also locked up and the telco had to
>reset the line. After the PM3 was back up and the PRI line was reset,
>I've noticed that V.90 connects that were fine before now need to make
>atleast 6-10 attempts to connect reliably.

How about connections via the CT1? How are they performing?

What does a show linex for the PRI look? Send me a copy?

Also send a copy of version, show global, show netstat and show line0 and

Not sure what to make of this yet.

Keep the console port connected to a terminal, login as !root and set
console incase it happens again.

Let me know!

John G. Thompson -- Lucent Technologies -- 800-458-9966
Tech Support Eng. -- Remote Access Business Unit -- 925-737-2100
JOAT(MON) -- Technical Support --
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