Re: (PM) ISDN / Motorola Bitsurfr PRO / NT

Rick Smith (
Mon, 4 May 1998 15:47:15 -0400 (EDT)

holy 5 days later. already solved.

On Wed, 29 Apr 1998, Rick Smith wrote:

> I had a user, connected to us for 1.5 yrs, Centrex ISDN line, Motorola
> Bitsurfr Pro's on each end, "dedicated" connection... she's the only one
> that dials into this line. (4 digit dial) She didn't pay her bill,
> line got
> turned down by Bell Atlantic. After the line was turned back up,
> nothing
> works as it did before. She's getting an error on her NT 4.0 server RAS
> that says "TCP/IP CP 2: The system cannot find the file specified".
> This
> is after completely removing and reinstalling the modem, tcp/ip, and
> for NT4.0.
> She can dial up, she gets connected, establishes PPP, and immediately
> disconnects,
> with the above error.
> Has anyone seen this before ? No matter what I do, I cannot get the
> connection to
> stay up for even 3 ms. As a side note: If I use hyperterm on her
> server, and dial
> our portmaster in the same town, I can open a shell account login fine
> and stay
> connected. If I set it back to PPP, it disconnects immediately. That
> obviously
> tells me that either the ppp setup is wrong (unlikely - 4 people here
> have verified
> that my settings are correct, and all of us think NT is phucked.)
> Any ideas ?
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