(PM) Re: [E106007] ComOS 3.18b15 help buglet

John G. Thompson (support@livingston.com)
Mon, 04 May 1998 12:34:31 -0700

At 03:07 PM 4/30/98 -0500, Todd R. Eigenschink wrote:
>Command> help show
>mccppp - Show MultichassisPPP addresses and connections
>That should be `mcppp', not `mccppp'.



John G. Thompson -- Lucent Technologies -- 800-458-9966
Tech Support Eng. -- Remote Access Business Unit -- 925-737-2100
JOAT(MON) -- Technical Support --
SEE ALSO http://www.livingston.com/Tech/Docs/Release/index.html
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soon - adverb. In the near future, shortly. (American Heritage)
*soon* - When engineering is confident that: (a) the problem is fixed,
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