(PM) ISDN / Motorola Bitsurfr PRO / NT

Rick Smith (rsmith@nac.net)
Wed, 29 Apr 1998 18:17:27 -0400

I had a user, connected to us for 1.5 yrs, Centrex ISDN line, Motorola
Bitsurfr Pro's on each end, "dedicated" connection... she's the only one

that dials into this line. (4 digit dial) She didn't pay her bill,
line got
turned down by Bell Atlantic. After the line was turned back up,
works as it did before. She's getting an error on her NT 4.0 server RAS

that says "TCP/IP CP 2: The system cannot find the file specified".
is after completely removing and reinstalling the modem, tcp/ip, and
for NT4.0.

She can dial up, she gets connected, establishes PPP, and immediately
with the above error.

Has anyone seen this before ? No matter what I do, I cannot get the
connection to
stay up for even 3 ms. As a side note: If I use hyperterm on her
server, and dial
our portmaster in the same town, I can open a shell account login fine
and stay
connected. If I set it back to PPP, it disconnects immediately. That
tells me that either the ppp setup is wrong (unlikely - 4 people here
have verified
that my settings are correct, and all of us think NT is phucked.)

Any ideas ?

"Don't go with a spineless ISP; Rick Smith
we have more backbone." rsmith@nac.net

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