(PM) Excessive Renegotations w/ v.90?

James Laszko (james@tfbnet.com)
Sun, 03 May 1998 15:05:52 -0700

I've got one of our techs who's got a v.90 USR Sportster at home that is
experiencing an unusually high number of renegotiations whenever he dials
in. When he first connects, he'll connect at about 48000. After
transfering 100K or so, he'll renegotate (Amber shows his TR speed 50666)
and then drops down to the low 30K's, and transfer 10-20K more, and then
renegotiate again (50666 again) and drop to anywhere from 30-48K. This
continues about 20 or so times (at this point he's normally got about
500-600K transferred) and it stabalizes at 48000 and chugs along. Anyone
else seeing this?

James Laszko - Systems Administrator - TFBnet - http://www.tfb.com
james@tfbnet.com - http://www.tfb.com/james
P.O. Box 2828 - Fallbrook, CA - 92088 - USA
(760) 728-7920, (760) 728-6572 [Fax]

finger james@gate.tfb.com for PGP Public Key
fingerprint: 26A5 731C A2F9 49EC A7F9 F9DE A740 818E 4D53 7556
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