Re: (PM) Disconnection Problems.

Chris Adams (
3 May 1998 01:55:11 GMT

According to Don Lashier <>:
>On 5/2/98, at 4:33 PM, Russ Taylor wrote:
>Didn't know there was a bug here, but on slow machines (<p133)
>I usually slide the receive buffer to 8 rather than 12. Going
>too far left will really adversly affect performance because of
>the extra overhead servicing the UART interrupts. Also set the
>bps down to 57,600 for slower machines.

US Robotics Sportsters should be run at no more than 57.6k. I have a
Pentium Pro 200, and I have never had a problem running the ports at
115.2k with anything (currently a Hayes Accura 56k external voice modem,
which has other problems). However, last week when I decided to try the
analog MP in ComOS 3.8b13 with WinNT WS 4.0 on my end, I grabbed a
couple of Sportsters from work so I could use two identical modems. I
first tried to download some test files with MP and got terrible rates.
I thought maybe it was something in the MP code so I tried using just
one modem, and still got terrible results. Drop the serial port speed
to 57.6k and it works like a champ. Add the second modem back (at
57.6k) and I get double the speed.

End result: MP works great (at least with Win NT), but Sporsters suck!

Chris Adams -
System Administrator - Renaissance Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.
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