Re: (PM) PM2 & ISPorte Problem (?RADIUS?)

Josh Richards (
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 10:42:21 -0800 (PST)

On 28 Feb 1998, N.B. Del More wrote:

> I'm trying to get dial-up working with ISPorte (analog) and PM2 's ...
> something is not right, a user can dial in, radius appears to
> authenticate the user correctly (connection shows up in the detail log),
> but the user can't do anything! That is, they can't use their browser,
> e-mail or anything.
> Where am I screwing up!? An assist would be greatly appreciated.

Sounds like a routing issue. How are you handling routing of the .125.x
subnet the dial-up users are assigned IPs from? You have both RIP & OSPF
disabled, you must have static routes somewhere.. You need to do a
traceroute and take a look at the routing tables from several places
around/within your network to try to see where the problem is at.

Follow-ups to portmaster-users.

Josh Richards - <> - [Beta Engineer]
LUCENT Technologies - Remote Access Business Unit
(formerly Livingston Enterprises, Inc.)

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