Re: (PM) Sluggish performance with 3.7.2c3

Doug Ingraham (
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 09:02:28 -0700 (MST)

On Fri, 27 Feb 1998, Rick Kunze wrote:

> I upgraded to 3.7.2c3 a few weeks ago. Perhaps it's coincidental, but I
> and my users have noticed very sluggish network throughput for the last few
> weeks. Web pages don't load, downloads hang, etc. Has anyone else noticed
> this?

We have noticed it as well. We have been working to figure out exactly
what is happening but right now it looks like it only affects W95
connections. If you have an external modem on the W95 box it is easy to
see that something is happening that causes the line to just freeze up for
seconds at a time. In the most severe cases it is only transfering data
50% of the time. The same box dialing into a POTS line equipped PM2 never
does this. Freebsd boxes and OR-M boxes also don't have the problem. I
will be checking a Win 3.1 and Mac next week. I have a theory that it
might be stac related but I have no evidence to support this. One of the
things I will try is to pull the stac card from a PM3 and retest.

And once I have enough info I will contact support.

Doug Ingraham From the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
Rapid City, SD #34 "Peace is good for business."
USA #35 "War is good for business."

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