Re: (PM) aggregating assigned address pool announcements? (fwd)

Doug Ingraham (
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 21:24:16 -0700 (MST)

On Thu, 26 Feb 1998, MegaZone wrote:

> Once upon a time Darrell Fuhriman shaped the electrons to say...
> >subnet into OSPF for their dial up lines, instead of oodles of 32
> >bit routes. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as turning off
> They DON'T announce oodles of /32 routes. They announce the MINIMUM
> number of routes required to cover the pool. The number of routes sent
> depends on the starting point of the pool and the size. So if you set
> the pool to start on an even subnet boundary and set the size to 32, it
> will be one route.

Actually, I had one that was doing this. I couldn't understand why it was
doing it. What seemed to fix it was when I deleted the ancient netmask
that was still in the box (and this was a PM-3 <G>).

Doug Ingraham From the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.
Rapid City, SD #34 "Peace is good for business."
USA #35 "War is good for business."

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